Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Protecting Your Network from Ransomware: Don’t Ignore This Critical Vulnerability!


Did you know that there's a common vulnerability that many organizations overlook? It's a dangerous oversight that can give hackers free reign to spread ransomware throughout your entire network. Sounds scary, right?

 But don't worry, we've got a solution for you. By implementing a simple yet effective measure, you can stop these attackers in their tracks.

 Introducing separate local admin passwords for each computer you support. This is a small, but a crucial step that prevents hackers from gaining access to just one computer and then seamlessly moving laterally through your entire network, wreaking havoc along the way.

 Don't let your network become the next victim. Take action now and safeguard your organization from the devastating consequences of ransomware attacks. We've got your back with the tools and automation that make managing random generated local admin passwords easy.

If you have any questions about cybersecurity or other IT-related issues for your business, visit Fidelitech.net/discoverycall to book a quick, 10-minute call.

For a free security assessment, schedule an appointment at https://www.fidelitech.net/semperarmor.

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