Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Tech Tip Tuesday - 3 essential rules for all cloud applications!

Are you using any kind of cloud application? Well, in today's world, it's hard not to. But here's the thing - data privacy and security should always be a concern. While the company hosting your data has the responsibility to keep hackers at bay, most cloud breaches happen because of user mistakes. So let's make sure you're being smart about your security in the cloud. Here are a few easy steps you can take to improve it:

1. Set up multifactor authentication. And hey, make sure your password is strong too! None of that "Password123!" nonsense, okay? Let's have at least eight characters with a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols. We don't want any easy cracks for hackers, do we?

2. Now, pay attention to the device you're using to access the application. It has to be secure! This is an area where you might need professional help. Install and maintain advanced security features that go beyond your usual firewall, antivirus, and spam-filtering software. Oh, and please don't access your cloud application from a device you also use for social media and free email accounts. Let's keep things separate, shall we?

3. One more thing, make sure you back up your data. I'm serious. If your data is important, download and store it somewhere else. Just in case your account gets hacked, your data gets corrupted, or even worse, your cloud company shuts down your account. It's always good to have a copy, just in case.

Got any more questions about cybersecurity or other IT-related issues for your business? No worries! Book a quick, 10-minute call at https://www.Fidelitech.net/discoverycall    -    Let's chat!

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